Confronting the Hands of Greed and Climate Change in Modern Warfare (Co-Authored by Cindy Sheehan & B)

The rise of citizen concern about armed conflict in regions like Syria and Crimea makes the 2016 global spotlight shine a little less brightly on Iraq. In the face of pressing global challenges, like the massive refugee crisis spurred by the protracted Syrian conflict, it is all too easy to overlook the estimated 4,497 deaths and 32,021 injuries of U.S. soldiers in the Iraq War. This loss is compounded by the estimated 500,000 Iraqi fatalities attributed to the U.S. invasion, further imploring a moment of nationwide introspection about the consequences of armed conflict.

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Common Sense Questions for 2016

As we enter 2016, there are many concerned citizens asking themselves if this New Year is actually a new beginning. Will the 2016 Presidential election mean tangible change to tackle income inequality? Will 2016 follow-ups to the 2015 intentional COP21 Climate Change Conference lead to genuine and lasting results? Will more people come to understand that Black Lives Matter in 2016? 

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